Monday, October 09, 2006

Hawkins County Matters to Bob Corker: Events at Allandale Mansion and Hawkins County Gas Utility on Consecutive Days This Week

GOP candidate Bob Corker brings his campaign for the U. S. Senate to Hawkins County twice this week: first on Wednesday, October 11, 2006, from 11:30am to 1:00pm for a luncheon at the Allandale Mansion in Kingsport, Hawkins County, Tennessee and then back again on Thursday evening at the Hawkins County Gas Utility on Park Boulevard in Rogersville from 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 pm. Refreshments will be served. (This meeting came on very short notice and it is hard to inform everyone of schedule changes.)

If you've not already met Bob, please come see him so you can firsthand compare his background to his competitor's background.

Early voting begins in only a few days.

If Bob is to be your U. S. Senator, you're going to have to help. E-mail your friends. Put a sign in your yard. Talk it up!

Senators Frist and Alexander have rolled up there sleeves to get it done for Bob. But they cannot do it alone. Every Republican foot-soldier is going to have to participate in this battle if we are to win.

Tennessee saved the country from Al Gore in 2000. Surely we won't turn the U. S. Senate over to the party of Ted Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton? The balance of power in the U. S. Senate and President Bush's ability to push his agenda of conservative principles and protection from terrorism is coming down to Corker v. Ford. It's up to you!


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