Saturday, October 28, 2006

Bryson Praises Real Marriage Campaign: Bredesen Doubletalk on Marriage Out-of-Step with Tennessee

Senator Bryson this week praised the Real Marriage Campaign for taking their message across Tennessee on a five day bus tour. The Marriage Amendment provides a clear choice between Sen. Bryson and Governor Bredesen.

Jim voted for it twice and proudly supports protecting marriage in Tennessee's constitution. Phil Bredesen REFUSED to sign it when it crossed his desk. He said an amendment to the constitution was "unnecessary" and "overkill" because Tennessee has a law against same-sex marriage. Well Governor, so did New Jersey and Massachusetts.

Though the Governor disagrees with amending the constitution to protect marriage, he continues to say he will vote to amend it. So if the Governor is to be believed, he plans to vote for something he publicly criticizes. Tennessee deserves better than that.


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