News from the GOP
As you know, we are gearing up for the one of the most crucial elections in recent history. The National election will have a direct effect on the future of our Country. Whether or not we agree on every issue of Sen. McCain, it is imperative that we stand behind him and our Party, because it is clear that Sen. Obama does not stand for the good of our great Nation.
It is also very important that we, as Republicans on a local level, do everything we can to elect Mike Faulk as our next State Senator. We have the chance to not only have a Republican but to have someone from Hawkins County. When Sen. Williams left our Party and decided to go his own way, he turned his back on the very people that worked so diligently for him through financial donations, phone calls, and just plain hard work.
We are also privileged to have Mike Harrison as State Representative from Hawkins County. Mike has always been there for us and we need to do everything possible to keep him in Nashville.
After the Republican Primary, we need to come together and support whole heartedly our Congressional nominee because he will face Democratic opposition in November.
According to our bylaws, during an important election year, we are to meet on a monthly basis. This is a good time to fellowship, obtain materials, and help our candidates. We need to have good turnouts at these meetings to show the strength of our Party. The Executive Committee has met and formed a list of dates, which we hope will be convenient for everyone. Please mark your calendar and make every effort to attend and invite your family and friends to these meetings. All of the following meetings will be held at Price's Community Center at 6:00 p.m. We will enjoy a covered dish dinner at all the meetings. Please bring a vegetable or a dessert.
August 19, 2008
September 16, 2008
October 21, 2008
November 10, 2008
December 4, 2008 (Annual Christmas Party)
Cecile Testerman